Tuesday 1 November 2011

Things with faces

Most of these I have stolen from the interweb, and some I have taken myself. Annoyingly I have seen loads since I first had this idea, but have no camera. Still, these make me smile. I know the first one doesn't technically count, but I couldn't resist.

Thursday 27 October 2011

I am.

These are some things I have realised about myself. Some of them are good, some bad. Most are both, or neither, because nothing is ever that clear-cut.


I will eventually get round to changing this.

Eager to love

Love is marvellous; there should be more of it.


I forget many things, which doesn’t usually bother me, as you can’t get upset about forgetting something if you don’t know you’ve forgotten it, but I have been known to forget useful things. Like February. Or my name.

A work in progress

I am only a snapshot of a moment in time. I am always changing, and, hopefully, growing and improving.


I can never hug enough, learn enough, love enough, listen to enough music, or eat enough popcorn. This only counts with salted popcorn.

Not stupid

Although I do stupid things. Like walk into doorways, bollards, tables and people. So clearly I’m not that bright either.

Always looking for a reason to laugh

And let’s face it, there is plenty in this life to make us smile. Like people walking into doorways.


I may not always think so, but statistically speaking there is bound to always be one person who does.


Sometimes brutally so. I’m too lazy to lie.

Obsessed with new things

Not so much of the corporeal variety, although I do have a wanton lust for shiny pretties. Mostly I’m obsessed with learning new things, and trying new things, and meeting new people (and their things?).

Friday 7 January 2011

In which we discover new and exciting ways to torment the postman

My latest hobby is seeing what weird and unusual items I can send through the post. Mostly without any form of wrapping and to the constant bemusement of my friends.

So far I've achieved:

1 slice of toast. Well wrapped and arrived successfully. Not still edible.

2 rubber ducks, with address labels tied around their necks. Sent to separate recipients and both arrived, although one upset the postman.

2 flip flops. Not actually a matching pair. I'm now left with the two unmatching other halves. This was not well thought through.

A wooden fish. This cost as much to post as to buy.

A banana. Labelled 'Ninja Banana' with address and stamps placed directly onto the skin. Arrived repackaged in a box. Frankly I'm surprised they delivered it at all!

Monday 3 January 2011

Things that will certainly occur

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year's Eve and have so far enjoyed 2011.

I'm never quite sure if I think New Year’s Resolutions are a good idea or not. Regardless, I make several every year. Here's this year's list, all of which I am definitely going to keep!

Be more creative. I want to make at least one thing every week.

Write more letters. Or postcards. Or telegrams. Or whatever! (And send them.)

Whinge less. Be more grateful.

Give up Facebook for 1 month. Hopefully this will create enough free time for me to achieve some of the other resolutions.

Learn to drive.

Steal a penguin. And dress him up in tinsel next Christmas. It's definitely going to be awesome.

Blog more regularly. I have arbitrarily chosen Mondays and Fridays for this. Watch this space. Or not. It's up to you.