Thursday 27 October 2011

I am.

These are some things I have realised about myself. Some of them are good, some bad. Most are both, or neither, because nothing is ever that clear-cut.


I will eventually get round to changing this.

Eager to love

Love is marvellous; there should be more of it.


I forget many things, which doesn’t usually bother me, as you can’t get upset about forgetting something if you don’t know you’ve forgotten it, but I have been known to forget useful things. Like February. Or my name.

A work in progress

I am only a snapshot of a moment in time. I am always changing, and, hopefully, growing and improving.


I can never hug enough, learn enough, love enough, listen to enough music, or eat enough popcorn. This only counts with salted popcorn.

Not stupid

Although I do stupid things. Like walk into doorways, bollards, tables and people. So clearly I’m not that bright either.

Always looking for a reason to laugh

And let’s face it, there is plenty in this life to make us smile. Like people walking into doorways.


I may not always think so, but statistically speaking there is bound to always be one person who does.


Sometimes brutally so. I’m too lazy to lie.

Obsessed with new things

Not so much of the corporeal variety, although I do have a wanton lust for shiny pretties. Mostly I’m obsessed with learning new things, and trying new things, and meeting new people (and their things?).

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