Wednesday 24 February 2010

Too Many Thoughts

I have too many thoughts. Ideas, musings, whimsies, and idle speculations will float or burst into my mind at all hours of the day. Sometimes these thoughts will lead, ultimately, to something productive, or at least interesting; a creative project, a discussion with my friends (or anyone else who will listen) or the purchase of a book which promises to answer all my questions! Often I will rush to write down a particularly splendid thought, usually abandoning a much more useful task in the process. Mostly though, these thoughts just swirl around and around in my head, jostling for my attention and preventing me from actually achieving anything.

So, I clearly need less thoughts. Or at least somewhere to direct them to, to keep them out of my way. Thus I have decided to write a blog. (The particularly sharp among you may have already noticed this.) Now, I have no delusions that this blog will ever become especially popular or anything fancy like that. (I know it's mandatory to say that, so as not to appear as a conceited ass, and of course it would be lovely if I became a internationally famous blogger extraordinaire, but really, it's not looking hopeful!) I'm writing this blog for me, about things that I find interesting, curious or worthy of attention. If you happen to find them interesting too, then you're welcome to tag along. But honestly, if I were you, I'd run screaming. Now. Go on, it'll only end badly if you don't.....

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