Monday 26 April 2010

More awesome ads

I loved the Meerkat adverts to start with, I really did, but there is only so many random people going "Simples" at completely irrelevant moments I can take. So now I don't like them.

Much as this saddens me, I'm cheered by the new Warburtons adverts, which are pure genius on a stick.

This one even made me weep a bit.

Another company who are good at making delectable adverts, if not produce, are Marmite. I adore the political slant they have put on their latest adverts, with messages from the Love and Hate parties.

Sadly, the campaign seems to be biased towards the Love party, which is ridiculous considering how right the Hate party is.

When I am queen there with be designated Marmite Eating Areas.

1 comment:

  1. Those Warburtons adverts are fantastic! I still won't buy their bread to spread my lovely Marmite on though. ;)
