Thursday 8 April 2010

In which we pay homage to commercialism

I spent the weekend staying with people who have TV, and now have the exceptionally annoying jingle from the Go Compare adverts stuck in my head. You know the ones with the dancing, singing fat man with the crinkly mustache who you just want to smack?? It's driving me (and everyone I work with) absolutely mental, and has lead to a lot of discussion about good/bad advertising. Generally I try to avoid watching adverts (something which has got remarkably easier since we stopped having a TV in our house) but every now and then someone produces something that is just pure genius. Thus, I present to you (in no particular order):

The Really Really Awesome Adverts List!

Its an Mini Adventure! They were several of these a few years back and they were all awesome, but my favourite was the one with the zombies!

The skating priests from the Stella Artois adverts!

The Barclays adverts with Samuel L Jackson. If a dollar was a chicken would a chicken be evil?

That Skoda ad where they bake the car.

Ooh, They're floaty light!

The T-Mobile flash mob adverts from last year!

I want to go to this party!

It's never Christmas until you see the Coca Cola advert!

And finally, my current favourite, This is a piece of advertising brilliance! As well as several lovely ads, there's a web page, a Facebook page, Twitter and an iPhone app! Simples!

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